How To Make Your Profile More Bad-Ass

If there was no online dating then we would not be able to test the theory that bad guys are sexy, and get the most single ladies. But we are lucky enough to have tons of online dating sites that help bring men and women together for casual sex. The one theme that I have noticed over the years is that bad guys always get the girls online - they are always the ones enjoying casual sex here and there. Bad guys can mean a lot of things. It's a visual factor having to do with dating profile pictures, as well as a descriptive factor. No doubt there is some fabrication going on here, which is what I want to focus on. How can you make a profile that screams bad-ass even if you are actually just a regular guy? What are the key things that every male profile needs to seem bad-ass, and therefore, more alluring to women? Is it okay to lie on your profile just to get laid? Well it sure is in my books, and it sure should be in your books too. Think about any resume you have ever written of yourself. Was it all completely factual? Probably not. Did it show off sides of yourself that were more bad-ass than they actually are? Definitely. So take inspiration from that and re-do your online profile to market yourself for more appealing for casual sex, because that's what online dating is all about.

Bad Guys Are Sexy

The image of the 1950's bad guy is a good place to start. You've seen photos of James Dean right? That's the kind of thing to start thinking about, with you as James Dean. Picture you as a guy in boots, jeans, a leather jacket, greased back hair, a cigarette dangling in his mouth, and a pouty smile on his face. Is that possible? Let me tell you that had better be, because that's how to get laid these days. Bad guys always have cars or motorcycles, and they don't have very many interests outside of having fun and playing pool. That is if you live on the east coast. If you live on the west coast, mention something about surfing. If you live in the prairies, then it's all about the cowboy stereotypes. These are broad outline themes for you to use as a guide when you create a profile on a dating site. The bad guy also says very little about himself, but would have many photos. Let the impressive image of yourself do most of the convincing. We are an exceptionally visual culture anyways, so why try and convince using words when your looks are the major thing that matters? I recommend getting a friend with a good camera to take some excellent photos of you. Bad-ass guys care about their looks. They are not jocks or computer tech guys - they are fancy men who like to live life in the fast-lane. So even if you don't feel connected to these themes, it will help your dating profile to pretend that you are.

Single Ladies

What do you think single ladies want to see in a sexual partner? Brutal honesty and realism? Heck no. They want some fiction, some exciting lofty-ness that excites them out of the boring day to day. That's the kind of impression you want to give each person that views your profile, because realistically you will only sleep with them once or twice anyways, so why worry about making an honest profile of yourself? Single ladies are in the the dating game because they like these challenges. Even though there are some ladies who are using the internet to have online affairs, the majority of ladies are single and looking for some action. So why not play yourself up and get them to come over one night?

Dating Profile Pictures

Aside from making up some bad-ass hobbies like motorcycling or snowboarding, I suggest putting up your height by a couple inches. No ladies I know like short men, so give yourself a little boost. It's all the the best dating profile picture you can imagine, so make it happen no matter what. It will make all the difference in your pursuit for casual sex. I also recommend answering the personality questionnaire in a way that sounds more like James Bond than you. It's going to mean that some of the most beautiful women who would never look at you in the street will be messaging you to meet up. That's the magic of the bad-ass profile method - it get's the most amazing results. Besides, I find that when I make up a little lie about myself it actually gives me a little boost of confidence to think I could be that. It's a funny psychological trick that might work for you too. Who knows if you don't try!